Our Student Review


Experiencing the transformation of students from struggle to success, where they achieve financial freedom, fills us with profound joy and fulfillment

In 2020, amidst the height of the pandemic, I found myself facing a job loss in the Oil & Gas industry. Fortunately, a friend introduced me to ITYOURWAY, igniting my journey into the world of IT. This program offers a comprehensive curriculum that delves into all facets of software delivery. After dedicating myself to intensive study of the course materials for a period of 2-3 months, I achieved a remarkable milestone: securing my first job with a salary of $150,000.

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Site Reliability Engineer

Before landing my initial IT position, the idea of earning more than $40,000 annually seemed like a distant dream. However, thanks to this program, I'm delighted to announce that my starting salary now stands at $120,000 per year. I hold immense gratitude for the thoughtfully designed course curriculum and the invaluable lessons provided. The instructors, who are incredibly skilled and professional, have a remarkable ability to effectively impart their knowledge.

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Seth Opoku

AWS Cloud Engineer

I can't find enough words to express the immense gratitude I feel towards ITYOURWAY and their extraordinary Instructors. For a very long time I have been looking for a way to get a job that my heart desires and to live in financial freedom. Then, I discovered ITYOURWAY through my friend Eric. May God bless Eric wherever you are for introducing me to this life changing opportunity. I enrolled immediately. It was a turning point that changed my life forever. In just four months, I transitioned from living on pay check to pay check to earning a six-figure income in a fulfilling DevOps role. The sheer joy and relief I experienced cannot be put into words. ITYOURWAY not only imparted valuable skills but also instilled in me the confidence and determination to excel in my career. This transformation is a testament to the unwavering support and top-notch education provided by ITYOURWAY. I am forever grateful for this life-altering opportunity.

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Ella Perez

Kubernetes Administrator

The biggest miracle in my life so far. I started with a low-paying job, struggling to make ends meet for my family. Little did I know that enrolling in this program would lead to such a profound transformation. Within just five months, I landed a high-paying DevOps position, earning a six-figure income that I had only dreamed of. I am still in shock.The emotions I felt were overwhelming—relief, gratitude, and joy. ITYOURWAY didn't just teach me skills; they ignited a passion and a belief in myself that changed my life's trajectory. My family and I are now living a life we could only dream of, and it's all thanks to ITYOURWAY. My heart is filled with gratitude for this incredible opportunity.

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Isaac Osei

Senior DevOps Engineer

I don't even know where to start from, first off, thank you to all the instructors in ITYOURWAY. I started this journey from a background with zero IT knowledge, barely making ends meet in a low-paying jobs. The transformation that followed was both emotional and miraculous. These instructors were teaching with so much passion and answered every single questions the class had. Within just six months of completing the program, I felt like a computer wizard and found myself in an AWS role paying me 4times what I was earning as a warehouse worker here in America. The overwhelming sense of relief and gratitude is beyond words. ITYOURWAY not only equipped me with invaluable skills but also gave me the confidence to reach for the stars. This program has truly been a lifeline, and I am forever thankful for the incredible opportunity it has provided. ITYOURWAY has given me the gift of a better future

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Seidou Omar

Cloud Platform Engineer

It all started with a WhatsApp status I saw from one of my friends. Fast forward to today, and I'm also earning a six-figure income as a senior systems engineer just because my friend showed me the way, all thanks to the incredible training and unwavering support I received from the course instructors. This journey has been nothing short of a miracle, and I can't thank ITYOURWAY enough for turning my life around. In just three months, I went from financial uncertainty to stability and success beyond my wildest dreams. ITYOURWAY truly changed my life for the better

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Mr Tee

Systems Engineer

I never dreamt of working in such a huge company with people I considered high class. Believe me, I was only an uber driver who with my masters in Business Administration, After more than 100 interviews nobody employed me. i struggling to make ends meet and dreaming of a better future. Then a friend told me about Devops and how it is in a big demand. He introduced me to ITyourway and today I'm earning a six-figure income with lots of benefits, all because of the exceptional training and support I received. The transformation in my life, from financial insecurity to stability and success, is nothing short of miraculous. . ITYOURWAY, you have changed the course of my life, and for that, I am profoundly thankful.

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Kunle Adesoji

AWS Cloud Engineer

ITYOURWAY's DevOps program is a true beacon of hope. I got fired during the COVID time, I was seriously struggling living on my little savings. My cousin introduced me to this Devops program and after so many sleepless nights of studies and practice, I landed my first Devops role. Then I had another offer the following month. Currently I am working two jobs and I am so excited. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure its not a dream. ITYOURWAY didn't just provide me with skills; they handed me the keys to a brighter future. This transformation has been a dream come true for me and my family. My heart is filled with immense gratitude for this life-altering opportunity.

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Diana Okojie

Infra Dev Specialist

Just a young Immigrant who travelled all the way from Africa to Canada for greener pastures but today when people around me hear what I do, they scream their heart out. Before I started this program , I thought I need degrees and masters degrees to be able to land a role in IT. Indeed they follow who knows road. When I enrolled, I was struggling a little bit but the patience and passion from ITYOURWAY instructors boosted my confidence and In just five months, I transitioned to a high-paying DevOps role, earning a six-figure salary that once felt out of reach. The joy and relief I experienced are beyond words. This program has not only changed my job but also my life. I am forever grateful to ITYOURWAY for this incredible opportunity.

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Sarah Tetteh

Site Reliability Engineer

I want to express my profound gratitude for the profound impact that ITYOURWAY's DevOps program has had on my life. Today, I am living a dream I never thought possible—I'm earning a six-figure salary in the field of DevOps, all thanks to the unwavering support and top-notch training I received from ITYOURWAY. In just six months, my life has transformed from a state of uncertainty to one of stability and unprecedented success. This program not only equipped me with the essential skills but also rekindled my hope for a brighter future. ITYOURWAY, you've not only reshaped my career but also profoundly impacted my life, and for that, I am forever grateful

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Sydney Mofor

Linux Systems Administrator